Extract A Page From A Multi-Page PDF
Strategic Sway Answers:
As I encounter minor digital challenges brought to me by coworkers and clients I thought it would be a great idea to share the knowledge on the Strategic Sway blog to help those looking for the same answers.
We needed to extract page 4 of a 24 page document. That was easy enough but then the registration marks and bleed from the next page were still visible. So read on for step 2 to crop the document within Adobe Acrobat to clean up the new single page PDF.

1. Open the multi-page document in Adobe Acrobat Pro. If you don't have it you can download it and use the 7 day trial period.
2. In the left column click the [Pages icon]
it looks like this:
3. [Left click] the page that you need to extract. Hold shift to select multiple pages.
4. [Right click]; a drop-down menu will appear and select Extract
5. Check the box to create a new document "Extract Pages As Separate Files"

6. Select the destination folder. The file will automatically be named after the existing document plus the page number(s) extracted.
You are done; unless you have a document with registration marks or other things in the margins that need to be cropped out. See below.

To Crop the Margins of a PDF in Acrobat Pro; follow the same step as above
1. Open the multi-page document in Adobe Acrobat Pro. If you don't have it you can download it and use the 7 day trial period.
2. In the left column click the [Pages icon]
3. [Left click] the page that you need to crop. Hold shift to select multiple pages.
4. [Right click] the page a drop-down menu will appear and select [Crop Pages]
5. Change the margin controls to bring the crop line preview to where it needs to be (0.25 in. for each top bottom left and right in the example.) and [click OK].
6. Save the cropped document.